
Pro Deo Et Patria- An Army Chaplain

I am a chaplain in the US Army, serving in Iraq. I'm keeping a blog to share my thoughts and experiences while deployed. They are my thoughts and they don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Army! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

In God's Strength Only

Today was another interesting day. We received a briefing this morning on ministry to wounded and dying soldiers. It was an important briefing considering half the class will be in Iraq within the year. They/we will face this.

But it was also difficult. They showed a Power Point presentation that one of the chaplains had put together with photos he took in Iraq. It was graphic. In fact, I got back to my room during lunch and had trouble eating. But it's what is happening, and we have to be able to speak to a soldier who is dying, with his face missing, and offer comfort that God is present and will take him home.

I guess in a situation like that you can only pray that God will lift you up, because I know that in my own strength, that type of ministry would be almost impossible.


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