
Pro Deo Et Patria- An Army Chaplain

I am a chaplain in the US Army, serving in Iraq. I'm keeping a blog to share my thoughts and experiences while deployed. They are my thoughts and they don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Army! :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Streets of Baghdad

Here is a street scene in Baghdad. We traveled through many different parts of Baghdad yesterday, but this is a fairly typical street from eastern Baghdad. As you all can probably guess, I'm not going to post pictures where the faces of the people can be clearly seen, just out of respect. While Baghdad is a desert, there are a number of trees and vegetation, I think mainly because the Tigris runs through the city, and the Euphrates is not far away.

The homes look fairly decent sized from the outside, but my understanding is that most homes have a lot of people living in them- extended families, etc.


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