
Pro Deo Et Patria- An Army Chaplain

I am a chaplain in the US Army, serving in Iraq. I'm keeping a blog to share my thoughts and experiences while deployed. They are my thoughts and they don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Army! :)

Monday, October 16, 2006


This weekend one of our Iraqi interpreters was killed in action. We have Iraqis who work with us as interpreters, and every day they put their lives on their line for their nation, and for our Soldiers. While the interpreters are not Soldiers, we consider them members of the team, and the Soldiers who work closely with them take it hard, at times, when we lose one.

I didn't know this particular interpreter. However, I was at our aid station as he died, and went out and spoke with his brother, who also works here. It was a terrible situation, and we mourn his loss, but we also honor the work and sacrifice these men are doing for their country, in hopes of making Iraq a better place.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, I am sooooo very proud of what you do! The work you do is difficult, to say the least, and very commendable and I'm sure very satisfying. I'm sure there are so many soldiers depending upon you! I don't know if I could do what you're doing. I am happy to call you my son!!!

Love you and miss you!


10:36 PM  

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