I want to post something a little different than what I've done lately. I'm going to write a little about what chaplains in the Army ought to be able to do- as seen from my limited experience. I am working with two Soldiers here at 1st CAV who are planning to go to seminary and becomes chaplains, and I know there are some who read my blog who are considering the chaplaincy. So, with that said, here are my
opinions (i.e., this is not official... just my thoughts):
A chaplain needs to speak well in public. This includes not only preaching, but giving various kinds of briefs, as well as speaking at Command and Staff meetings. During any given week, I will preach to my service, which has grown from about 30 people to close to 100, I will give two morning devotionals at the Commanding General's battle update, I will give briefings for Soldiers going on R&R, and I lead a Bible study for about 15-20 people. You have to be comfortable in front of various audiences, especially in tense or emotional settings like a memorial ceremony.
You need to be able to create an atmosphere in which Soldiers feel welcome. In other words, be friendly! Love the Soldiers. Joke with people, get to know them, circulate, start conversations. Since moving up to 1st CAV from my previous FOB, I have finally started to really get to know people and have seen my counseling load increase as people feel comfortable chattin' with me. You have to be approachable.
But you also need to remember that you're an Officer. This carries certain obligations, responsibilities and authority. As a Reserve chaplain, I'm a pastor most of the time, and this mindset has been the biggest change for me while on Active Duty. There is a certain way of speaking, of carrying yourself, and it includes times where you need to be a little "strict." This includes such things as remembering the chain of command, knowing which jobs you can do, and which your assistant can do, and not mixing them up.
You also need to be comfortable with doing a lot of counseling as a chaplain. It's a huge part of your job. As Soldiers get to know you, they will start coming with various issues. Often times they are very difficult problems, with no simple solution. It's important to be comfortable with this. For seminary students considering the Army chaplaincy, I'd strongly urge you to take as many counseling courses as possible in seminary, especially in the area of marital counseling. Also, have your own sets of resources, a knowledge base, and examples when it comes to speaking with Soldiers about marriage. Marital issues are the largest group of issues when it comes to counseling Soldiers.
Along with this, you need to be able to listen non-judgmentally. Soldiers have strong opinions and language, and they don't usually mute it all around chaplains (though they do try...). When I'm counseling at my church, I don't usually have people dropping F-bombs or other swear words. With Soldiers, it's sometimes a different story! You can't flinch. You'll also hear lots of complaints, and even if you don't agree with them, you have to listen. This isn't the same as condoning language, and there are times you have to stop a Soldier and call them on their language (that's part of your role as an Officer). When I was at the mob station, there was a Soldier making loud, crude comments about women, and I locked him up, and told him to stop. But for the most part you just gotta love the Soldiers and meet them where they're at.
The last thing is that you need to be able to think theologically. I know that sounds like a given for people coming out of seminary, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Many Soldiers come to me with theological questions, and I need to answer them as I believe, but I also have to understand that this isn't a church. In a pluralistic in environment, no one is asking me to change or mute what I believe, but you also need to know when to say certain things. This takes some theological discernment. Experienced chaplains know what I'm talking about.
Finally, two other things: you have to be flexible and you have to be organized. Both are crucial.